Meditation Partner

"We create spaces and experiences to reconnect to oneself and replenish, through the virtues of silence and nature. "


Silence aims to enable each one of us to retreat from the turmoil of everyday life, to reconnect to our inner worlds, through the healing virtues of silence and harmony with nature.

Silence is a way of living mindfully, of returning to the simplicity which is the source of our wellbeing and happiness. 

Silence is a celebration of the unhurried, gentle rhythm of nature, a way for us to step away from the humdrum of everyday life, to take care of ourselves and feel fully alive.  

Silence is a movement of free men and women, who reclaim their rights not to be interrupted by ceaseless stimuli and to regain control over their lives and their minds.


We are very honored to have Jeanne & Silence as ambassador of our meditation bench! If you search for a unique experience in France, we recommend her retreats. Check all infos here.